Vibrant, Balanced Living VIP Inner Circle Group Coaching Membership Program


What if you gave yourself a year? 

Finally, a Wellness Approach That Fits Your Crazy Life!

Join a community of driven women who are reclaiming their health, confidence, and vibrance—no matter how busy life gets.

Are You Tired of Putting Your Health on the Back Burner While Juggling Life’s Demands?

I’ve been there—I know what it’s like to feel pulled in a thousand directions, constantly balancing work, family, and endless responsibilities. I had to figure out how to prioritize my well-being without letting everything else fall apart. And now, I’m here to help you do the same!

Imagine the Possibilities

How Would It Feel to Wake Up Every Day, Ready to Take on Whatever Comes Your Way?

You’ve built a foundation of health and confidence that enables you to approach each day with enthusiasm. Say goodbye to burnout, and embrace balance along with a renewed sense of self.

What if you gave yourself a year?

Imagine where you could be…

The Challenges I Understand

Do any of these sound familiar?

  • You feel overwhelmed by where to start on your health and fitness journey.
  • You struggle with low confidence from past attempts that didn’t stick.
  • You’re constantly tired, making it hard to make healthy choices.
  • You don’t have enough time for self-care because of all your commitments and responsibilities.
  • You don’t recognize yourself in the mirror.
  • You’re unsure how to start exercising safely because sometimes it just hurts to move.
  • You feel disconnected from your body and know that you have more potential.
  • You battle negative self-talk and doubt.
  • You feel intimidated by the gym.
  • You’re worried about falling back into old habits.
  • You worry about being judged or criticized by friends and family.

My Coaching Style

A Blend of Teacher, Coach, and Healer

In our journey together, I bring a unique blend of teaching, coaching, and healing to help you transform from the inside out.

As Your Teacher

As Your Teacher, I provide you with the knowledge and tools you need to make lasting changes. I’ll break down complex wellness concepts into easy-to-understand lessons, share practical tips, and give you actionable strategies that fit seamlessly into your busy life. You’ll learn not just what to do, but why it matters and HOW to do it—empowering you with the confidence to take control of your health and wellness journey.

As Your Coach

As Your Coach, I’m here to motivate and inspire you every step of the way. I’ll challenge you to set meaningful goals, push past your comfort zones, and celebrate every victory, big or small. I’ll provide accountability and guidance to keep you on track, reminding you of your strength when doubts creep in. Together, we’ll tackle obstacles and build the habits that lead to sustainable change.

As A Healer

As A Healer, I’m here to help you reconnect with yourself on a deeper level. I understand that true wellness isn’t just about the physical—it’s about nurturing your mind, body, and spirit. I’ll guide you through practices that promote self-compassion, mindfulness, and inner peace, helping you heal from past setbacks and embrace a balanced, vibrant life. I’ll create a safe, supportive space where you can explore your emotions, release what no longer serves you, and grow into the healthiest version of yourself.

In My Group Coaching, you’re not just getting a program—you’re joining a community of like-minded women who are on the same journey. Together, we’ll learn, grow, and support each other, using the power of knowledge, motivation, and healing to achieve incredible transformations.

Success isn’t about quick fixes or shortcuts

—it’s a journey built on a solid foundation of healthy habits and intentional choices.

I created the BALANCE Method from years of trial, error, learning, and growth—both in my own life and through guiding others. It’s the framework we use in my coaching programs designed to help you build a healthier, stronger, and more energized version of yourself.

I know it might seem simple, but simplicity is powerful.

The BALANCE Method focuses on accountability and consistency—helping you turn small, meaningful actions into effortless habits that stick.

It’s about getting to a place where choosing wellness becomes second nature, where healthy choices don’t feel like a chore but a natural part of who you are.

This isn’t just about movement, nutrition, or self-care—it’s about weaving them all together in a way that makes sense for you. The BALANCE Method gives you the tools and support to reclaim your energy, boost your confidence, and find a deeper connection to yourself.

Every step makes you feel stronger, more grounded, and more alive. Imagine waking up each day feeling like you’re finally in alignment with the life you’ve always wanted.

That’s the power of BALANCE.

Build Strength Through Daily Movement

Incorporating daily movement into your routine helps build strength, enhances flexibility, and keeps your body energized and ready for life’s challenges.

Adequate Hydration

Staying hydrated helps maintain energy levels, supports digestion, and keeps your skin looking radiant and healthy.

Lower Your Stress Levels

Managing stress is crucial for mental clarity, emotional well-being, and reducing the risk of chronic health issues.

Adequate Sleep & Recovery

Prioritizing sleep and recovery allows your body to heal, your mind to reset, and ensures you wake up refreshed and ready to tackle the day.

Nurture Your Body and Mind

Caring for both your body and mind through balanced nutrition, mindfulness, and self-care practices fosters overall well-being and inner harmony.


Create a Success Plan

Setting clear goals and creating a personalized wellness plan ensures that you stay on track and achieve long-term success.

Embrace Consistency

Consistency and accountability are the cornerstones of lasting change, helping you stay committed to your wellness journey and reach your goals.

Why This Community is Different…


Introducing the Vibrant, Balanced Living Membership Community!

This is not just another fitness program; it’s a supportive space designed specifically for driven women like you who want to reclaim their health, confidence, and joy—without sacrificing everything else in their busy lives.

Unlike other wellness programs, our community focuses on you and your unique needs. Through my proven BALANCE method, we simplify the path to wellness, offering you a clear, step-by-step roadmap that cuts through all the noise and confusion. No more guessing, no more “all-or-nothing” approaches.

Monthly Live Q&A Sessions Via Zoom

We also offer two monthly live Q&A sessions via Zoom to answer your questions and provide additional guidance. The times vary each month to accommodate different schedules, but we know you’re busy, so every session is recorded and available in the app for you to watch whenever it suits you. You can also pre-submit your questions if you prefer not to ask them live or can’t attend the session.

Here, you’ll find practical solutions that fit into your life, not the other way around. You’ll get the tools, guidance, and support to create sustainable habits that actually stick—so you can feel energized, empowered, and excited about life again.

With us, you’re not just joining a program—you’re becoming part of a community that genuinely cares about your success, celebrates every win, and helps you find balance on your own terms.


Here’s How We Make It Happen:

  • Clarity and Direction: A simple, actionable approach that removes overwhelm and helps you start where you are.
  • Confidence-Building Support: Mindset workshops and community encouragement to build confidence and celebrate progress.
  • Energy-Boosting Tips: Quick workouts, nutrition advice, and practical tips to feel more energized every day.
  • Flexibility to Fit Your Life: Content designed for on-the-go listening—perfect for the busiest schedules.
  • Judgment-Free Space: A supportive community where every step forward is celebrated, not compared.
  • Gentle Movement Options: Modified workouts and yoga practices for all levels, respecting your body’s needs.
  • Body Connection Practices: Yoga, mindfulness, and positive discussions to help you reconnect with and appreciate your body.
  • Positive Mindset Shifts: Regular workshops to combat negative self-talk and build self-belief.
  • Long-Term Success Strategies: Ongoing support and accountability to help you stay on track, even through setbacks.

What if you gave yourself a year?

A year to prioritize your wellness, build sustainable habits, and truly feel like the best version of yourself. With the Vibrant, Balanced Living Membership, this is your chance to see what’s possible.

Join the VIP Inner Circle and Unlock Your Wellness Hub App!

As a member of our VIP Inner Circle, you will have exclusive access to our Wellness Hub app, where you will:


  • Exactly how to build sustainable wellness habits that fit into your busy life.
  • Practical strategies to lower stress, improve sleep, and boost your energy levels.
  • The power of mindful eating and how to create balanced meals that nourish your body.
  • Effective, safe workout techniques tailored to all fitness levels.


  • Participate in live Q&A sessions, group challenges, and interactive workshops designed to keep you engaged and motivated.
  • Practice mindfulness, yoga, and strength training exercises that respect your body’s needs and abilities.
  • Create a personalized wellness plan that aligns with your unique goals and lifestyle.
  • Track your progress, set realistic goals, and celebrate your wins within a supportive community.


  • Empowered to take control of your health and wellness journey with confidence.
  • Connected to a community of like-minded women who understand and support you.
  • Energized, vibrant, and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.
  • Inspired to keep going, knowing that you have the tools, guidance, and support to thrive!

With the VIP Inner Circle, you'll experience the full potential of the Wellness Hub app—a one-stop resource for everything you need to live a healthy, balanced, and joyful life.

Who This Is For:

  • Women who are ready to reclaim their health and confidence but feel overwhelmed by where to start.
  • Busy women juggling multiple roles and responsibilities who need practical, on-the-go wellness solutions.
  • Those who are tired of quick fixes and want a sustainable approach to living a healthier life.
  • Women who value community and support and are eager to connect with like-minded individuals.
  • Anyone who wants to feel energized, strong, and confident but needs guidance on building a routine that fits their lifestyle.
  • Women who are open to learning new strategies for stress management, self-care, and mindful living.
  • Individuals who want to embrace a positive mindset, build consistency, and stay accountable to their wellness goals.
  • Women who desire a judgment-free space to explore wellness at their own pace.
  • Those who prefer a group program and are comfortable learning and growing within a supportive community setting.


Who This Is Not For:

  • Those looking for a quick fix or a rapid transformation without long-term commitment.
  • People who are not interested in making sustainable lifestyle changes or embracing a balanced approach.
  • Women who prefer a highly competitive or intense fitness environment.
  • Those who are not open to trying new strategies for self-care, mindset, and stress management.
  • People who do not feel ready to invest time and effort into their health and well-being.
  • Women looking for 1-on-1 coaching; this is a group program, but limited slots for 1-on-1 coaching are available separately. You can get more information here.
  • Individuals with eating disorders or medical conditions requiring specialized care; this program is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment. Please consult a healthcare provider for personalized care.
  • Women who are pregnant or nursing.

Don’t Wait—Take the First Step Towards a Healthier, Happier You!

You’ve spent enough time putting yourself last. It’s time to prioritize your well-being and join a community that understands your challenges, celebrates your progress, and supports you every step of the way.

The Vibrant Balanced Living Membership is your chance to reclaim your health, confidence, and energy—no matter how busy life gets. You’ll gain access to all the tools, support, and inspiration you need to thrive with new content added monthly!

Overcoming Your Doubts:

  • Think You Don’t Have Time? Our content fits right into your daily routine—listen while you drive, cook, or take a break right in our app!
  • Worried About the Cost? For less than the cost of a weekly coffee, you’ll get an entire month of support, guidance, and inspiration.
  • Wondering Why This Will Work When Nothing Else Has? Because we focus on sustainable, balanced living, not quick fixes.
  • Doubting Your Ability to Do This? Many women have felt the same way, but with our support and step-by-step guidance, they discovered their true strength.
  • Believe Fitness is Only for the Young or Naturally Fit? Think again! Our community proves that age and genetics don’t define your ability to thrive.

Upcoming Workshops to Keep You Thriving:

Exciting things are on the horizon! Starting in October 2024 and continuing into 2025, we’re rolling out a series of powerful workshops designed to deepen your understanding of the BALANCE method and empower you on your wellness journey. Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming:

Building Strength Through Movement:

  • Safe and effective strength training routines for all fitness levels
  • How strength training boosts metabolism and confidence
  • Functional fitness for everyday activities
  • Home-based workouts vs. gym workouts: finding what works for you
  • Techniques for preventing injuries and optimizing performance

Adequate Hydration:

  • The science behind hydration and energy levels
  • Easy ways to increase your water intake throughout the day
  • Hydrating foods and beverages that keep you refreshed
  • Understanding hydration needs based on activity and lifestyle
  • Debunking hydration myths and misconceptions

Lower Stress Levels:

  • Mindfulness practices for reducing daily stress
  • Guided breathing exercises to promote relaxation
  • Calming yoga and meditation techniques
  • Building resilience through positive stress management
  • Tools for creating a stress-free environment at home and work

Adequate Sleep & Recovery:

  • The role of sleep in muscle recovery and overall health
  • Creating a bedtime routine for restful sleep
  • Understanding sleep cycles and optimizing sleep quality
  • Balancing activity with proper rest and recovery
  • Tips for combating insomnia and improving sleep habits

Nurture Your Body and Mind:

  • Creating balanced meals that nourish your body
  • Mindset shifts for a healthy relationship with food
  • Meal planning strategies for busy lifestyles
  • Emotional eating: recognizing triggers and finding alternatives
  • Self-care practices that promote mental and physical well-being

Create a Success Plan:

  • Setting SMART wellness goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)
  • Personalized planning techniques to fit your lifestyle
  • Tools for tracking progress and staying motivated
  • Overcoming obstacles and adapting your plan as needed
  • Celebrating milestones and recognizing achievements

Embrace Wellness Through Consistency & Accountability:

  • Strategies for building and maintaining healthy habits
  • Group challenges and community support for motivation
  • Creating an accountability system that works for you
  • Tips for staying consistent even when life gets busy
  • Celebrating progress and staying focused on long-term goals

These are just a few of the empowering topics we’ll explore together. Join us in the Inner Circle to dive deeper, stay motivated, and build the vibrant, balanced life you deserve!

What if You Gave Yourself a Year?

  • What if you gave yourself a year to focus on your well-being and finally prioritize you?
  • What if you gave yourself a year to build habits that feel natural, joyful, and sustainable?
  • What if you gave yourself a year to enjoy the process, to celebrate each small victory, and to embrace every step of the journey?
  • What if you gave yourself a year to feel more energized, confident, and connected—to your body, your goals, and a community that lifts you up?
  • What if you gave yourself a year to discover just how amazing life can be when you choose to put yourself first?
  • Imagine looking back a year from now, feeling proud, transformed, and knowing that you’re still part of this incredible community of women who inspire and support each other every day.

So, what if you gave yourself a year? Join us and let’s find out.

Programs Included in the Inner Circle Membership

What’s Included in This Program

When you join the Vibrant, Balanced Living Inner Circle, you gain access to a comprehensive range of resources, tools, and community support to help you achieve your health and wellness goals:

  • All Access to Programs: Enjoy unlimited access to all of my programs, including the 30-day foundational programs (available in Meat + Dairy, Vegetarian, and Vegan options) and the 12-week fitness and nutrition program designed to challenge and elevate your routine.

  • Monthly Workshops: Participate in interactive monthly workshops covering a variety of wellness topics, such as goal setting, nutrition, mindfulness, fitness, and more, to keep you motivated and informed.

  • Live Q&A Group Sessions: Join our live Q&A sessions twice a month to get your questions answered, share your experiences, and gain insights from other members in the community.

  • Exclusive Content: Access to exclusive content such as downloadable resources, guides, templates, and checklists that support your wellness journey.

  • Accountability and Support: Connect with a vibrant community of like-minded women for encouragement, accountability, and shared motivation throughout your journey.

  • Recording Library: Miss a session? No worries! Enjoy on-demand access to all recorded workshops and Q&A sessions, allowing you to learn and grow at your own pace.

  • Recipe Books and Meal Planning Guides: Get a variety of recipe books and meal planning guides tailored to different dietary preferences, including Vegan, Vegetarian, Low Carb, and Gluten-Free options, to help you fuel your body right.

  • Fitness Resources: Access a library of home-based and gym-based workout plans, along with instructional videos to guide you through each exercise safely and effectively.

  • Goal Setting and Progress Tracking Tools: Utilize tools and templates to help you set clear, achievable goals and measure your progress over time.

This program is designed to support you in every aspect of your wellness journey, empowering you to make sustainable changes and live a vibrant, balanced life!

Foundational Program + At Home Workouts

Meat + Dairy Version

Foundational Program + At Home Workouts

Vegetarian Version

Foundational Program + At Home Workouts

Vegan / Plant-Based Version

7 Days to Get You started on your journey!


12 Week Shred!

An Elevated Lifestyle Program + Gym Workouts



Books Included in Your Membership

Plant-Powered Plates

Vegan Recipe E-Book

Protein Power Plates Recipes

High Protein Recipe E-Book

Garden-Fresh Plates

Vegetarian Recipe E-Book

Low-Carb Plates

Low-Carb Recipe E-Book

Gluten Free Plates Recipes

Gluten-Free Recipe E-Book

Smoothie Power

Smoothie Recipe E-Book